Thursday, February 26, 2015

Garden Harvest!

I have so much fun with all the children in the garden! They are really enjoying it so so much! and learning TONS!!! The kids now can identify so many vegetable plants by just looking at their leaves... or smelling the leaves! They are so proud of themselves! They are tasting a lot of things as well which I totally am so happy about! We learned about why bees are SO important to the Earth... how the blossom turns into the fruit... We have planted so many things from seeds and watching things grow each week is so satisfying to these kids... I think it's so important to know where you food comes from.  I have made them baba ganusche... which we ate with pita chips... most of them LOVED It! we have such an over abundance of eggplant! I also made them a kale/swiss chard soup... which they loooooved! I promise! I did have a baguette for them to break apart and dip... but I was so excited for them to try what they are growing! Of course the tomatoes have been awesome with motz. cheese and basil and tons of olive oil! they loved that! kale smoothies have been a hit! 
But please if any of you enjoy cooking with fresh veggies... feel free to harvest away!!! I hate to see things go to waste... so please eat it up! There is a lot of rosemary and chocolate mint... as well as LOADS of collard greens! Please pluck away! in a few more weeks our brussel sprouts will be ready for harvest! if you have any favorite recipes let me know! I would love some help in the garden any time! xoxo KOLLENE

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